Arise & Blossom - Dress for Success Event, my review.

Does the way you dress say anything about who you truly are? Many in the audience on Saturday November 11 at the Arise and Blossom Women Organization Dress for Success event got answers that were worth far more than the entry fee of $30.00 EC dollars and the local fruit drink welcome that was provided by Chillin' Restaurant (the owner, Mrs. Jacqueline Lyttle was a powerful presenter at their inaugural seminar). With fabulous local and regional speakers, the women in attendance were challenged, and encouraged. Let me say right now, I look forward to other Arise and Blossom events, but on to my review of their most recent event. The opening treat was a gift for the first woman that would get up and model their outfit, a gift valued at $100.00 from Stylin Chic by Auldine was enough to get the women in attendance settled and full of expectation for the rest of the afternoon. The first presenter was local Classic Fashionista, Mrs. Jean Johnny-Findlay. Impeccabl...