Arise & Blossom - Dress for Success Event, my review.

Does the way you dress say anything about who you truly are?   Many in the audience on Saturday November 11 at the Arise and Blossom Women Organization Dress for Success event  got answers that were worth far more than the entry fee of $30.00 EC dollars and the local fruit drink welcome that was provided by Chillin' Restaurant (the owner, Mrs. Jacqueline Lyttle was a powerful presenter at their inaugural seminar). With fabulous local and regional speakers, the women in attendance were challenged, and encouraged. Let me say right now, I look forward to other Arise and Blossom events, but  on to my review of their most recent event.  The opening treat was a gift for the first woman that would get up and model their outfit, a gift valued at $100.00 from Stylin Chic by Auldine was enough to get the women in attendance settled and full of expectation for the rest of the afternoon.

The first presenter was local Classic Fashionista, Mrs. Jean Johnny-Findlay. Impeccably dressed, she shared tips and anecdotes from her own life in the presentation aptly titled, 'Dressing for Success'.  One of the tips she shared that I knew on a cerebral level but have been struggling with personally, is, "Grooming is a holistic affair." Of course I knew that, but with my struggle with my natural hair, recent bout with a skin disease and the fact that I am parenting four children (three under age 5), I had settled for celebrating having a bath and being generally 'presentable,' so this session was reaffirming for me in many ways.  She also mentioned that as we matured, and changed in our taste, physique, socializing methods and spending power our fashion sense should adapt.  Her most practical tip though? Shop value for money! The cheapo in me cried out in pain, ha!  

Have you ever thought of starting a business, specifically one in fashion? Well, Ms. Kimsha Williams of KMK Innovations Inc, shared her story and her hopes for the fashion industry in St. Vincent. In the session 'Starting a Fashion Design Business,' she used the diagnostic question series of who, what, where, how and why to inform her audience on specific considerations for the fashion business.  Her session's most tweet-able point for me though? "Sense [can] get you cents." Yass!!! The diminutive business woman was open and encouraging and I am hoping she will be willing to do a consultation about an idea that I have.  Are you willing to start your fashion design business?

KMK Fashions delighted the crowd with a mini fashion show that flaunted the beauty of women of all sizes, age groups and heights. There was a black lace piece that I can see myself in...hmmm.  Who is going to have a gala that I can support soon? Now given that fact that I have taken up sewing maybe I can consider the designers of KMK Fashions my sewing godmothers. Great job to the models, too!

To be honest, the session that impacted me the most was presented by Barbadian Melinda Belle of Image Up by Melinda. Her mission was clear, she came ' empower women to love, affirm and accept who they are...' and that she did.  Melinda, with her warm and bubbly personality opened the 'Develop your Personal Style,' session with an impacting demonstration to the ladies that no matter what they may have endured in their lives, their life was still valuable. The truth that she shared was that our image is linked to our identity.  Mrs. Belle (beauty), informed us to be in agreement with what our Heavenly Father says about us, to take care of our selves, and to dress true to our personality.  I sought her out afterwards and just talking to her had tears rolling down my face, sheesh.
Talking to Melinda Belle,  tears are streaming down my face.
See that discolouration at the back of my skirt? Red velvet
cake stain courtesy my son, helping me zip up.  

The final presenter was a pint sized powerhouse in the person of fashion stylist and designer, Shawna Rowena of Barbados. She gave us timeless 'Fashion Tips' after opening with the affirmation that 'I am His (God's) success story.'  Key to dressing your best is knowing your body type and style sense. Some months ago I did a consult with Guyanese stylist, Phylicia Bernard, who I featured here, so I know that I lean towards ladylike, classic style but with an occasional bohemian flair.  After you figure out your body type and style sense, she advised that we shop our closets first before we shop for classic pieces. In the list for classic pieces were the blazer, shirt, blouse, little black dress, fitted pant, slimming skirt, jeans, and a classic t-shirt.  Shawna Rowena, with her bright smile and kind speech also agreed with Jean Johnny-Findlay that all women should have a string of pearls in their accessory bag, whether real or faux, does not matter.  Women of Business, yes you, handling the business of life, take note, go out and Dress for Success whether in the boardroom, office, or home "personal style is an expression of you", that's what Shawna Rowena said and I have to agree.

The Arise and Blossom Organization Committee rewarded attendees with a free store of work suits, jeans, dresses, heels and handbags much the delight of all in attendance. I did not get a piece for me, but picked up a nice shirt for a friend and with the tips and buoyancy of  my spirit after the sessions I feel moving forward, whenever you see me, I'll be dressed for success, even if success that day is bathed and  half-way presentable. ;)  I recommend Arise and Blossom events to all.  It would even be great to feature these ladies in our Fabulous Female series, but on a more pressing note when is the next affair?  


  1. I enjoyed reading this review. Sounds like it was a good event indeed. Hope I catch one another time.


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