Profile 10: Mrs. Shelly-Ann Aqui, Vocal and Motivational Coach

Mrs. Shelly-Ann Aqui is a woman of strong faith, it is that faith that led her into business.
Her warm personality is evident in this interview. Please read on and enjoy!

1.  Describe yourself in no more than three sentences, one if it is possible.
I am a child of God, wife, mother of two, a big sister & an entrepreneur. I consider myself, focused, highly ambitious, a go-getter & somewhat of a perfectionist. I find myself to be blunt but caring, loving and I am HIGHLY passionate about uplifting people. I love CHOCOLATES, travel, movies and music!

2.  Share with us what your business is about?  
Pinnacle of Rubies was founded in 2001. It is a premiere Vocal and Arts Academy in Trinidad specifically geared towards, (though not limited to) enhancing the quality, effectiveness and impact of vocals and arts within the body of Christ.   We have worked with hundreds of singers who have graced our doors from all over Trinidad & Tobago and the region. P.R.V.M.’s intent is to develop the whole person. Our approach is crafted to augment  a more intimate relationship with God, improved understanding of self, enhanced interpersonal skills, team dynamics & emotional intelligence thereby equipping churches, with stronger individuals, worship teams and choirs. 


3. What is the main factor that got you involved or led you into business/ entrepreneurship?
A prophecy!  I grew up in church and being the daughter of a pastor, I was called to sing at a
very young age with my sister.  My sister migrated to London and I stopped singing!   A few
years later, I received a prophecy that I would sing, change & impact lives. Knowing my
shy personality, I didn’t  see this as a possibility however suddenly, doors started opening for
me to sing.  Almost every Sunday, the worship leader and leadership of the church would call
on me to minister.  I reluctantly joined the choir and hesitantly sang outside of my church.
When I was asked to work with choirs and worship teams at various churches I told God   
“If this is what  you would have me do I will try to do it to the best of my ability”. With the    
support of my husband, I started seeking out vocal coaches and this journey resulted in me   
becoming  vocally trained and later on becoming an  Internationally Trained Vocal
Production Coach.  Today I have a successful and respected Vocal School and am surrounded
by a team of talented and experienced industry professionals who make my dream for the
Academy a greater possibility!

4. What is your number 1 business principle?
Because this Institute is also my ministry, I hold myself responsible for ensuring students
and clients are met with the  traits of Integrity, Respect, Focus and Love. As a Christian
woman these are crucial.

5.  How critical is creativity in the running of your business?
Creativity and individuality are  crucial to those gracing the doors of P.R.V.M. Trinidad and
Tobago is globally connected therefore, being aware of new ideas, best practices and
strategies is critical so I keep a keen eye, open mind , provoke and  continuously encourage
creativity ! I try to merge my vision and the creativity of my students to accomplish newness, 
life, energy and uniqueness as we continue to move forward. Creativity must be fully
supported in this field, so I allow the rivers of originality to flow  with the understanding that
without it we would dry up and become irrelevant!

6.  What is the hardest lesson learnt in business so far?
Having to face the intricacies of people and understanding that it is crucial to keep an open mind, forgive daily and love unconditionally!

7.  Do you think that your experience is different in any way than a male in the same type of business? Please explain.
Not really. I have been in this field for over a decade so I believe I am respected because of my experience and track record.  I don’t have a gender issue but if I had to propose an issue it would be that females may have to maintain control of their space and  command respect while remaining poised and gracious.  However I believe in this industry, whether male or female, if you have mastered your craft, produce good fruit, sure of your content and the tangible value you can bring, it SHOWS. Therefore you don’t have to focus on gender, demanding respect or proving self.

8.  List three things you just can’t go without.

Sleep, Prayer, Family ! 

9.  Who or What is your greatest motivation?
My family, friends and students.

10.  Is there any advice you would like to share to other young women hoping to start or just starting out in business?
I would say do the thing you love!  Plan well, set goals, stay focused,  continuously increase in knowledge of your craft and NEVER GIVE UP! 

Bonus Question: “What, in your opinion, is the best thing about being female?”
A woman is powerful, inspirational, influential & fun I have the ability to inspire change in the lives of others simply through my nurturing nature and maternal intuition. As a woman I’m having impact in my circle of influence, as a  mother figure, coach, friend and confidant  to so many, adding value and I feel comfortable to love, embrace, wipe away tears and then have a good laugh at the troubles of life,  knowing “what a friend we have in Jesus.
I think being a woman is also FUN. I get to be girly, play dress up with my girls , go shopping, get excited and giggle over vanities with my girlfriends such as make up, hairstyles, jewelry and the such.  I get to wear many HATS and explore many sides of me. Being a woman is exciting! 

Address:    Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago
Facebook: PinnaclesofRubiesVocalMinistry


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