Profile 26 Fabulous Female - Melinda Belle, Caribbean Lifestyle Brand Star

If you follow this blog and/or it's Facebook and Instagram accounts, you must have seen or heard of Melinda Belle, the Barbadian powerhouse who has made quite an impact on this blogger. She is a woman of faith, courage and confidence on a mission to see others take control of their personal development and financial journeys. Continue reading for inspiration and motivation. See here to read about the first time I met her.

1. Describe yourself in no more than three sentences, one if it is possible. 
I am a businesswoman seeking leave behind a legacy that’s bigger than me. I have come to a greater understanding that the world does not revolve around me. I am here simply to be a solution to as many lives as possible.
Money Matters with Melinda
2. Who or What is your greatest motivation?
My greatest motivation is to be all who God intended me to be. I was created with a purpose in mind and I would do the world a disservice by not taking up my mantle.
3. Share with us what your business is about?
I am a brand. Therefore my brand is my business. But I have a keen interest in the financial services and female empowerment field.
Astrape Finance - For everyday living
4. What is the main factor that got you involved or led you into business/entrepreneurship?
I knew I could not be contained to just an office desk job. I love interacting with others and getting just close enough to make a meaningful impact. I knew I wanted to touch lives with my natural abilities. Hence, why I stepped out into entrepreneurship. To be more accessible those looking for a solution for their life situation.
 Image Up by Melinda hosts
the Image Up Summit later this year
in Barbados. Stay tuned
Women of Business, Caribbean will be there.
5. How critical is creativity in the running of your business?
I am an author and I have to date written three books. To be on the cutting edge in the business arena, I have to create something that is a genuine extension of myself. Something tangible people could use to improve their lives. Also, with my marketing, being creative in my communication is key. Being in the financial services industry, I realised people are looking for communication from someone who’s genuinely concerned about their overall well-being.
6. Do you think that your experience is different in any way than a male in the same type of business? Please explain.
I would say males are seen as steady in the advice they give. I think it is unfair that women are looked down on as business owners because there is a stigma attached to women who run things. They are bossy, rude and too opinionated and might I add too emotional. I think a woman in any profession has what it takes to run a business just as well as their male counterparts.
7. What is your number 1 business principle?
Following up with potential or current clients is a must. It helps to keep communication lines open and consistent. 8. List three things you just can’t go without?
My laptop
My cell phone
My team
9. What is the hardest lesson learnt in business so far?
To be consistently seeking new business. If you’re not careful, it could hurt your business’ cash flow.
10. Is there any advice you would like to share with other young women hoping to start or just starting out in business?
You need to put yourself out there to let others know this is the solution you have to offer. Talking about the good you do does not make you arrogant. It shows you’re confident in providing a quality product or service.
11. Bonus Question: “What, in your opinion, is the best thing about being female?”
Being an inspiration to other women. To show them you can be strong, nurture your God-given potential and be a very necessary solution in their sphere of influence.

Click on image comments for links to the online spaces for Melinda Belle's various businesses. Leave a comment!


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