Profile 12: Ms. Leslie Ferraty, Holiday/Tourist Consultant

Our first feature for 2016 is based on the lovely island of Martinique. Ms. Leslie Ferraty is a go-getter with the determination to succeed. Please give her your support by reading this week's post and dropping a note in the comment's section.

1.                  Describe yourself in no more than three sentences, one if it is possible. 
My name is Leslie Ferraty, I’m 30. I’m French and based in Martinique. I have two young daughters. I have a diploma from a business school based in Paris and I created my company in November 2015.

2.    Share with us what your business is about? 
The company, Beyond the Beach, aims to give tourists a local’s perspective, help them to avoid tourist traps, and experience 'real life' on the island by sharing time with locals through meals, tours and special activities. The website,, was launched few days ago (it will be available in English in a couple of weeks).  Beyond the Beach is only based in Martinique right now but I intend to expand to Guadeloupe soon. It is my long term goal to develop my company in all the Caribbean as there are already offers for Saint Lucia. 

3. What is the main factor that got you involved or led you into business/entrepreneurship?
As a young girl, I sold cookies and other little things to have more money in order to travel. So I think I always have that 'commercial fiber' or business sense. Additionally, I worked at different companies without blooming, so last year I decided to create my own company to develop this innovative concept.

4. What is your number 1 business principle?
Love what you do and do what you love. Be passionate!

5.                How critical is creativity in the running of your business?
I had to build my website on my own with a friend, so I had to create my design, find the right pictures, and so on. I have to write some articles for the website's blog in order to talk about the Caribbean, the tourism, give some advice. For the activities that I’m selling I also have to create stories about the local who host, attract people in order to make them buy my offers. Doing all that takes creativity so I would say creativity is very, very important.
6.               What is the hardest lesson learnt in business so far?
I learnt that not every vendor can be trusted. I had given money to the wrong provider to design my website. That vendor took my money and never did the job. It is a very bad experience but it taught me to be careful about whom I do business with.
Closing a deal with a partner.
7.                Do you think that your experience is different in any way than a male in the same type of business? Please explain.
I don’t think my experience is different than a male will go through. I think that being a woman in the tourism field is a good asset because you have to persuade customers and vendors, and I think women are better than men at this!

8.      List three things you just can’t go without?
I can’t go without a pencil, my notebook and my smartphone.  Wait! Can I add lipstick?

9.      Who or What is your greatest motivation?
My daughters are my greatest motivation. I also want my parents to be proud of me. And personally I want to be known as a successful business woman.
Hard at work to ensure success!

10. Is there any advice you would like to share to other young women hoping to start or just starting out in business?
Be patient, be strong, trust in you. Because you will find a lot of people who will tell you that your idea is not good enough, that you don’t have to take the risk to set up your own company. In those moments you have to listen to your inner voice and be strong.
You will have a lot, a lot of work.  It’s much more than when you work for a company. But stay focused, your work will pay!

Bonus Question:
 “What, in your opinion, is the best thing about being female?”

I think that women can have more opportunities by being in solidarity with each other, and can develop strong networks to help each other to create and develop successful businesses. I also think that females are better than males in management; it just seems that it is easier for us!


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