Profile 19 Fabulous Female - Phylicia Bernard

I connected to this week's Fabulous Female because of one of her Facebook groups. After qualifying for a free one-on-one coaching experience with her (She is truly *fabulous* at what she does), I found out she is a Caribbean queen.  Originally from the South American country of Guyana, Phylicia Bernard is a Personal Stylist and much more! Read her interview with Women of Business, Caribbean. Comment and Share!

1. Describe yourself in no more than three sentences, one if it is possible.
I am a bold, innovative, ambitious woman who is completely passionate about what she does and empowering women to show up even more confident in the world.

2. Who or What is your greatest motivation?
My greatest motivation is my little family (hubby and my “almost 2 year old baby boy), as well as a life of adventure, peace of mind and happiness.

3. Share with us what your business is about?
I am a wardrobe stylist for powerful women from all walks of life who are making big moves in the world, no matter what that looks like for them! I equip them with all the personal style and wardrobe building tools to stand out boldly, 10x their confidence, plus attract and magnetize the people and opportunities they desire.

4. What is the main factor that got you involved or led you into business/entrepreneurship?
The main factor that led me into business/entrepreneurship was unhappiness in my “secure job” position and then the birth of my son. I am originally from Guyana (South America), and when my parents brought my siblings and me to the US, it was all about attaining a better life — and that meant securing a good job with benefits. So I began nursing in high school as a teen, graduated, went to college as a nursing major, graduated with my associate’s degree in nursing and knew right then and there that I didn’t want to go further with my bachelor’s and master’s.

From the moment I was actually thrown into the medical workforce, I felt completely trapped; my self-expression through personal style decreased by 100% and it was almost as if I wasn’t myself anymore. I was praying to go home before the day even started. I kept praying for excitement in my life that just wasn’t there anymore.

After four years of practicing nursing, I left with the intention of following my passion in the fashion world…styling! I stepped out without any support, formal schooling or idea of what I was getting myself into.  After three years of trying to make a name for myself in the fashion industry, I became pregnant. Believe it or not, it was then that I decided it was my time, my time to start my own business and show the world why I was different. I knew it would break my heart to go back to work, and so I made a huge decision not to and Style IngeNEWity was birthed the month after my son was.

5.  How critical is creativity in the running of your business?
Creativity is so very critical. When it comes to personal style, I am a natural creative and I really want that to come through in my brand. My passion is so much deeper than just putting women in nice clothing (although that is really fun). It is truly about confidence building and helping women transform from the outside in! I always have to find creative ways to display this.

6. Do you think that your experience is different in any way than a male in the same type of business? Please explain.
Well, my business/industry might be a bit different when it comes to this particular stereotype. I know it happens a lot in so many industries but I kind of see an equal experience in fashion styling. Or sometimes even the women are on top, which is a good thing.

7. What is your number 1 business principle?
My #1 business principle is MINDSET is EVERYTHING!! Belief in yourself is key when you want others to believe in you and what you do! It all starts with who you believe you are and what you think you have the power to achieve.
In one of her latest inspirational outfits.

8. List three things you just can’t go without?
-       Shopping
-       All the reruns of 90s sitcoms I watch all the time. (haha)
-       Quality time with my friends and loved ones!

9. What is the hardest lesson learnt in business so far?
The hardest lesson learnt is staying focused and consistent while being a mom. Simply put, it gets crazy and hectic. I am still learning to balance my time well.

10. Is there any advice you would like to share to other young women hoping to start or just starting out in business?
I would say to trust your intuition at all times. There are tons of How-Tos out there, but the only thing that will set you apart and bring you success is what you truly desire to do. If you ever find yourself in a dilemma, take a moment of silence and listen in to what it is exactly that you are being called to do.

11. Bonus Question: “What, in your opinion, is the best thing about being female?”

I love being a woman! We are dynamic, multidimensional and strong! We have the power to be soft and feminine or big and bold. We can tackle the home life and the business world equally. 

Contact Information:
Email       -
Website   - www.styleingenewity.comFacebook- Style Ingenewity
Instagram - TheFashionNurse


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