Profile 24 Fabulous Female - Victoria, Business Owner and Strategist

Learning about Ms Victoria via one of her facebook business pages, I quickly discovered she was a genuine person looking to help others succeed.  Many of us will know her work through her Nu Luna personal shopping and membership business but she is foremost a business strategist who helps small business owners figure out winning solutions to their business challenges.  Please read on to learn more from this purposeful and inspiring woman. 

1.     Describe yourself in no more than three sentences, one if it is possible.I am a woman who believes in all possibilities, whose life’s purpose is to be a champion of women in business and life in general so they too can overcome life’s challenges.

2.     Who or What is your greatest motivation?My greatest motivation is my parents.  Looking back I realize how much they did with very little.

NuLuna3.     Share with us what your business is about?t you involved or led you into business/entrepreneurship?Currently, I have a Personal Shopping and Styling business that offers women a more personalized approach to shopping for clothing.  This means that I help style them for everyday events like work to special events like graduations and weddings. I also offer business coaching to women and I just wrote my first book.
4.     What is the main factor that got you into business?I’ve always been drawn to business and I attribute that to being raised in an entrepreneurial household.  My current business venture was driven by the desire to earn extra money (side hustle).  It is more than I imagined it could ever be.  It empowers women by increasing their confidence.  When persons look good, they feel good.  I am proud to run a business that brings others joy.

5.     How critical is creativity in the running of your business?Creativity is one of the keys to running a successful business.  As an entrepreneur, I am constantly thinking of ways to keep my customers engaged and figuring out ways to attract new ones.  With clothing, I have to stay on top of trends, while staying true to my business identity.

6.     Do you think that your experience is different in any way than a male in the same type of business? Please explain.Yes and no!  I believe as a woman offering a styling service to women gives me an advantage as I can relate more to body struggles and make light, fun conversations around it that my clients appreciate.  It makes them comfortable to work with me.  A man talking about mid-section woes may leave a woman offended or uncomfortable.  However, I still feel that if he is both knowledgeable and tactful, he can run the same business and be a success.

7.     What is your number 1 business principle?To be my most authentic self.  While having a professional image is important, when I show who I am behind the scenes, it is when my clients respond the most. 

8.     List three things you just can’t go without?I am not sure if this question is business or personal related.  I can’t go without – prayer, a daily TO DO LIST and my phone.

9.     What is the hardest lesson learnt in business so far?The hardest lesson I’ve learnt in business is that you can’t serve everyone. Define your niche and stick to it.  Trying to serve everyone, will leave you serving no one.

10.      Is there any advice you would like to share with other young women hoping to start or just starting out in business? Yes.  Do something that you are passionate about, that comes naturally to you.  Do not discount what comes easily to you.  Be consistent.  Work on it daily and success will come.

11.      Bonus Question: “What, in your opinion, is the best thing about being female?”Our inner strength.  We birth life.  What can we not do?  We were born to breathe life into things.                

For more information about what Victoria does, please see her Facebook pages here and here . You can also find her on Instagram. 


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