Profile 25 Fabulous Female - Lisa Barton-Vonley, Caribbean Creative

When you meet Lisa Barton-Vonley, you are meeting joy and grace. This Trinidadian firecracker living in St. Lucia is a woman of faith, bold creative and businesswoman. In this article, she takes the time to answer our standard questions in her own unique way. Take the time and enjoy reading what she shares!

Describe yourself in no more than three sentences, one if it is possible. 
I am a God-centered, born again believer and worshipper. Owner, Creative Director and Production Manager of an apparel manufacturing company and a zipper jewellery brand.

Who or What is your greatest motivation?
In my business, it is to see the joy and satisfaction of my customers.

Share with us what your business is about?
De Kloze Line is a manufacturing company which produces apparel and fashion accessories for male, female and plus sized from formal to casuals. We service individuals, groups and companies. We also produce soft furnishings for private homes and business houses.
de ZipCode is a jewellery collection made from metal and nylon zippers; catering to the fashionista who wants to step out of the box and be adventurous, bold and daring.

What is the main factor that got you involved or led you into business/entrepreneurship?
[I have always been aware that] my creative ability is restricted under someone else’s governance so for as long as I could remember I’ve always wanted to be an entrepreneur.

How critical is creativity in the running of your business?
It is the chief cook and bottle washer…without it, I cannot successfully represent my brand.

Do you think that your experience is different in any way than a male in the same type of business? Please explain.
Yes, I do…regardless of one’s gender I think everyone’s experience will differ based on their personality, level of patience/endurance as well as their passion for the industry.

What is your number 1 business principle?
To allow the customer a couple fittings so as to ensure that perfect fit.

List three things you just can’t go without?
      • God
      • Unusual fabric
      • Sewing
What is the hardest lesson learnt in business so far?
I will just say this - Don't credit!!!
As a small business owner, a line of credit is not readily accessible to most of us. So we usually start out on our mere savings. We have to prove ourselves to the makers and the shakers. We tend to give credit to make our customers happy but all that creates is a chain of disappointment to a small business owner.  Clients and customers need to realize that when they do not pay us, we now do not have the means by which to service another customer or take care of costs incurred by servicing you the client.  Not to mention the overheads!
Is there any advice you would like to share with other young women hoping to start or just starting out in business?
Not everyone can see or will agree with your vision. Set your goals and strive for excellence. Remain focused and let God be the centre of it all.

Bonus Question: “What, in your opinion, is the best thing about being female?”
The power to influence positively.
Lisa in one of her original designs
You can follow Lisa Barton-Vonley on all her social accounts: Facebook - @deklozeline.99 @dezipcode.99
Instagram - @deklozeline @dezipcode


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