Mind your business! Be a good steward!!

Image Credit: Confessions of a Homeschooler
Dear friends and Women of Business,

Have any of you given much thought to the word 'stewardship' recently? It's been on my mind! My faith journey to financial education has brought me to the topic of stewardship. So, of course, I am sharing what I've been learning.

What is stewardship? One of Google's definitions is "the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care".  I've modified it to simply means "taking good care of what God has provided me."  I've listened to many ministers speak about stewardship over the last couple of weeks, you can watch one of my favourites here.  Also, I'm reading "True Riches" by Jeff Lestz who addresses stewardship in a most holistic and comprehensive way. The book focuses on finances but urges readers not to isolate our financial responsibility from being good stewards of our health, relationships, and spiritual lives.  If you can get it, read it; it will challenge you for good, I promise.

How is being a good steward a good thing for your financial life?   Below are just three principles I would like share with you.

1.  The principle of Ownership
As a Christian, it is important to remember that all we have is actually and totally owned by God.  Psalm 24:1  says "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein." - KJV.  Dr. Tony Evans, when preaching on stewardship, shared that God is the author of stewardship!  Dr. Evans was simply agreeing with the Psalmist David.  I'm going to write something that you may wrestle with but your education, skills, and talents that contribute to your earning power all come from God. Don't believe me? See Deuteronomy 8:18, "Remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth."

Image Credit: Arthur Murray Dance Studio

2. Principle of Responsibility
It is our responsibility as good stewards of our finances, health, relationships and spirituality to put the work in. In terms of our finances, we should earn honestly, and manage carefully. One way we can be responsible is by budgeting.  The scripture says in 1 Corinthians 4:1-2, "Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful."  A good steward takes a healthy dose of pride and gratitude in faithfully managing the resources provided by the owner of said resources.  Take some time and read Matthew 25:14-30, the Parable of the Three Servants, and let me know your thoughts in the comments.

3. Principle of Giving
This principle and the principle of ownership are closely related.  Someone who understands that God owns it all fully appreciates the principle of giving in the form of our tithes and generous living.
It is my belief that tithing is applicable for me and applicable for today.  I know many may not agree with my position on this matter but let me quickly share why I tithe.
a) I tithe because I acknowledge God as the owner of all I have. Giving 10% back and living on 90% is a demonstration of my submission to God, my Provider, and Saviour.

b) I tithe to my place of worship because it is where my source of teaching and spiritual food comes from, much like Abraham tithed to Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18-20) because he blessed him with physical bread and wine in a time of scarcity after a war.  
I can expound but will stay here on this topic. A quick note, I don't think your position on tithing determines where you spend eternity.
Like I mentioned in a recent post, giving is not recommended in the Bible, it is expected of us as seen in Matthew 6:14!  Critical to our giving is the spirit in which we give.  When we read 2nd Corinthians 9:7  the idea of being a cheerful giver is not limited to the giving of our finances rather we are to be caring, compassionate and rooted in love when we give our time, money, talents and even emotional support.  Being generous of spirit is one way we show the love of Jesus in our hearts. We follow the steps of a generous Jesus.

These principles of stewardship have shifted my thinking and operations. I am more committed to being accountable for the way my money is managed and by extension the way I handle my relationships, health, and spiritual life.  

I want to challenge you to write 2 ways you can be a good or better steward of your finances, health, relationships and spiritual life.

God bless! Please subscribe, like/follow Women of Business, Caribbean on Facebook for us to continue the conversation.


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