Profile 17 Fabulous Female - Ms. Donnalisa Phillips of Faces by Donnalisa

When you meet this week's Fabulous Female, Miss Donnalisa Phillips, her smile and flawlessly beat face draws you in.  As a Trinidadian Make Up Artist, her desire is for you to identify your most striking features and learn how to accentuate them.

 1. Describe yourself in no more than three sentences, one if it is possible.
 I am a God fearing, assertive, hardworking, dynamic and creative woman.
2. Who or What is your greatest motivation?
I’m driven by my passion to discover, pursue and fulfil my God-given destiny.

3. Share with us what your business is about?
“Faces by Donnalisa” offer you the opportunity to be transformed.
I offer 3 main services:
i.Professional, flawless beauty makeup services for all your special occasions.
ii. Personalized and group makeup application training sessions. These sessions are designed to teach women how to identify their most striking features and also learn to accentuate these features by using professional makeup application techniques and ultimately becoming confident in their makeup application.
iii. Supplying high quality and affordable beauty supplies and cosmetics at three (3) locations of Faces by Donnalisa Beauty Counters in Trinidad.

These products and services are also offered occasionally in St Vincent and Tobago via pop up shops. 

Donnalisa's business card speaks for itself

4. What is the main factor that got you involved or led you into business/entrepreneurship?
While meditating on Luke 8:3 I discovered that it was women who financially supported Jesus’ ministry. This truth ignited my determination to succeed so that I can be financially stable in order to effectively assist in transforming the lives of others.

5. How critical is creativity in the running of your business?
Creativity is paramount. I must be creative in order to satisfy every person that sits in my makeup chair and entrusts me with the undertaking of enhancing their beauty. Apart from offering makeup services, often times a makeup session morphs into a counselling session which undoubtedly, also requires creativity in approaching and dealing with each issue.

6. Do you think that your experience is different in any way than a male in the same type of business? Please explain.
Yes. We are in an era where more and more male makeup artists are emerging. In some instances, I believe that as a female makeup artist, clients may be more inclined to open up and share their personal life experiences with a female as opposed to a male.

7. What is your number 1 business principle?
Aim to gain a customer, not a sale. Courteous treatment will make a customer a walking advertisement for your business.

8. List three things you just can’t go without?
i.The presence of God/communing with God daily.

ii. Family support and encouragement.

iii. Positive and uplifting conversations.

9. What is the hardest lesson learnt in business so far?
“You win some and you lose some”.

Sometimes exogenous factors result in higher business costs. It’s unethical to transfer all increased costs to the customer. As a business owner, absorbing these costs ultimately results in reduced profits.
At agroup training session.

10. Is there any advice you would like to share with other young women hoping to start or just starting out in business?
i. Seek God’s guidance when making decisions.

ii. Chase your purpose and success will follow you.

iii. Study and emulate the lifestyle of an EAGLE.

iv. Don’t bother reinventing the wheel. Where you are right now someone else has already been there. Trust God to divinely connect you with the right people. Hang with the wise and you’ll become wise.

v. Customer service is an attitude and not merely an action. Always express a passionate commitment to serving customers.

11. Bonus Question: “What, in your opinion, is the best thing about being female?”
Females are diverse creatures. In my opinion, the best facet of our diversity is that we are incubators. Whatever you give to an incubator; it multiplies it and gives it back to you.

Give a female one sperm...she’ll give you back a baby

Give a female a house….she’ll give you a home

Give a female frustration….she’ll give you hell (laugh)


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