Profile 22 Fabulous Female - Laurel Ally, Guyana's AWE Special Feature Part 2

When Ruth Johnson, a previously featured Fabulous Female,  told me about the Guyanese Association of Women Entrepreneurs I was thrilled to know such a group was created to serve women in business. Then she shared about their special promotion for the members where she hoped three selected ladies will, among other things, be featured in the Women of Business, Caribbean.  Of course, I was honoured to get an opportunity to hear and share their stories.  The second of the three fabulous females is Ms Laurel Ally.  Her determination to succeed is driven by her sense of responsibility to her children and her unwillingness to just let life happen to her.

1.     Describe yourself in no more than three sentences, one if it is possible.
I am a hardworking mom of three trying my best to balance life honestly.

2.     Who or What is your greatest motivation?
My children motivate me every day. 

3.     Share with us what your business is about?
J&A Salon is an overall beauty business.  We cater to our clients to ensure that they are comfortable and satisfied and when doing their nails, hair, a manicure, a pedicure, facial or make-up. 

4.     What is the main factor that got you involved or led you into business/ entrepreneurship?
I had my first child and realized that I  could not work 7pm-4pm and take care of him at the same time, I am not the  'sit down' type of woman either so, I started with what I could do.

5.     How critical is creativity in the running of your business?
Creativity is very critical for me, for example, every nail I do sends my mind on fire with colour, style, shape, etc. My creative mind is always at work. 

6.     Do you think that your experience is different in any way than a male in the same type of business? Please explain.
I think that as women we can multi-task and stay focused to get the job done correctly. On the other hand, I think it's kind of hard for me to do that so that is an advantage for us. 😉

7.     What is your number one business principle?
For me it's keeping the clients satisfied is my key in my business and keeping my circle filled with business minded people is my key for my business. 

8.     List three things you just can’t go without?
Having God, a job and a pleasant personality are three things I cannot go without. 

9.     What is the hardest lesson learned in business so far?
The hardest lesson I have had to learn so far is that Credit is a Killer.

10. Is there any advice you would like to share with other young women hoping to start or just starting out in business?
My advice to young starters is to not be too quick to expect huge gains from your business.  Invest for at least three years; it is by then you will see great results. 

11. Bonus Question: “What, in your opinion, is the best thing about being female?”
The best thing about being female is the ability to change 'nothing' into 'something'. 
For our Guyanese readers who may be interested in the AWE, please check their Facebook page: Association of Women Entrepreneurs


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