Profile 14 Fabulous Female: Mrs. Nailah John-Prince

Women of Business, Caribbean is pleased to present our newest Fabulous Female, Mrs. Nailah John-Prince. Mrs. Prince is an online store owner of Vincentian heritage. She is the daughter of entrepreneurs and a firm believer in that persons should strive to own businesses.  Please enjoy her well-articulated responses to our questions. 

1. Describe yourself in no more than three sentences, one if it is possible. 
I describe myself as a woman who has endured struggle in order to obtain success and in return be a humanitarian through my non-profit organization Leave Out Violence in SVG Association ( LOVNSVG) I am a woman of faith who loves life and people.

2. Who or What is your greatest motivation?
My parents have been my greatest motivation, they helped to mold me into the woman I am today. They showed me the way of being an entrepreneur because they are entrepreneurs.

3. Share with us what your business is about? 
Kitambaa Fabrics Logo

Kitambaa Fabrics was established on August 1st 2016 with the vision to supply to the Caribbean region, and the rest of the world, an African print fabric that brings a taste of Africa. Kitambaa Fabrics aspires to bring to you exceptional customer service and quality fabrics. We hope to establish close relationships with designers and individuals who want to feel a sense of true African pride by wearing these magnificent African print fabrics. Kitambaa Fabrics was named by my Ugandan mother who resides in St.Vincent and the Grenadines. Kitambaa is a Swahili word which in English translates to mean Fabric. Kitambaa Fabrics allows us to bring to you African print fabric that represents the culture, essence and expression of the continent of Africa through the many different colours and patterns. We are here to represent the world and provide each and every one an avenue to express oneself through fashion. Our slogan is, "Kitambaa Fabrics create your Africa!"4.  What is the main factor that got you involved or led you into business/entrepreneurship? After attending University for many years I realized that sitting behind a desk and working for an entity was not my vision. It does not bring you the satisfaction that one gets from owning your own business  After my last year in University I said to my father that I want to be a business woman, his response was, “You will have success in whatever you do and I support you.” My husband is an entrepreneur, he supported me in the venture and is also a partner. I had the support of my family and this was important to transforming my vision. I believe that people should engage in establishing their own business. It can be a struggle at first but it is indeed worth it. Working for someone cannot give you the freedom and the drive that your own business can give you.
5.  How critical is creativity in the running of your business?
The resiliant business woman.
Creativity is essential for the development and success of your business. One has to sit and be creatively strategic in ways to keep a business afloat; it is a grave part of the promotion, marketing, etc. of the business. If you cannot find a way to be creative and provide new ideas to the business you will not have customers who are one of the key factors in making your business a success.6.  Do you think that your experience is different in any way than a male in the same type of business? Please explain.I believe that being a woman can present some challenges within the business front but for me, it has made me a very strong woman and has allowed me to tackle situations differently. The fabric and clothing business is one that maybe looked within society as woman dominant, however what surrounds keeping the operation functional is owned mostly by male business men, from the marketing companies, to the shipping companies etc. and it can be challenging to communicate certain things due to the fact that there is still this male dominance especially in the Caribbean region where I do most of my business. In saying this however it has not prevented me as a business woman, it has actually given me strength, perspective and drive to show the male-dominant business sector that women can own their own business and be very successful at it. I will never discourage any woman from establishing a business; we need more women in the business sector.7.  What is your number 1 business principle?My number one business principle is ethics: to be fair to people and to present the highest customer service possible.8.  List three things you just can’t go without?
I cannot go without chocolate, being a humanitarian and my amazing husband and family!
9.   What is the hardest lesson learnt in business so far?
The hardest lesson learnt is that not everyone will support your venture but this has never discouraged me.
10.  Is there any advice you would like to share with other young women hoping to start or just starting out in business?
My advice to women who want to start a business never give up on your dreams, it can be a struggle but persevere and be confident in your decision. This world is in need of more women in the business sector.
11.  Bonus Question: “What, in your opinion, is the best thing about being female?”The best thing about being a female is being able to empower other women through being an example through my business and also my non-profit organization.

Contact Information
Website    -
Facebook - Kitambaa Fabrics

Thanks for reading. Check Kitambaa FAbrics out. Leave a message of encouragement in the section below! 


  1. Really like that you shared on the power of relationships as exemplified with the one you have with your parents.


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