Handle your Business - Be Diligent
Women of Business, what would you have done in the following situation?
The cashier told her it was $200.00, almost $60.00 more than she had calculated it herself Well, this #womanahbusiness was diligent and politely asked the cashier to re-check her goods. What do you know? Somehow a $12.00 item was scanned in at $65.00. As I read my friend's post about her experience, it made me think about how I was operating in my own time. In the business of handling life, we need to be diligent with our money, our time, in our business and in life in general.
A diligent person is careful, conscientious and pays attention to detail. As a blogger, I am passionate about family, faith and finances and I would like to challenge us to be diligent in these areas.

Would our spouses say we have been paying attention to them? Ladies let me just say that with the number of women willing to be a side chick, it is important for us to be diligent in our marital relationships. We need to protect that area of our lives. Ladies do not neglect your husbands with the excuse of our children, work or time constraints. A healthy marital relationship affects your family's overall health positively.
Being diligent in our finances mean we respect what we earn, honour our financial commitments and do our best to repay what we owe. While I am still a work in progress, as a Christian, I am diligent in my tithing as I take all the scriptures to heart that speaks about tithing and cheerful giving. Additionally dear reader, please know that living on a budget is another way to be diligent about your finances, I talk more about budgeting here.

I want to make a quick mention of how much those of us with small businesses need to be focused. Without careful consideration, we will not earn!!! Shout out to Fabulous Female, Shelly Aqui for her encouragement to me to keep on top of my work here. Stay tuned for an update on what she has been up to.

please God.
Can I encourage you for a moment?
If we can, for the very least, take 15 minutes a day as a part of our morning routine to just give thanks, meditate on a scripture verse and even journal what the Holy Spirit is saying to us, we can grow in our faith. Be diligent in your faith and this can positively affect how you handle the business of your life.
Thank you for reading! Please subscribe, share and comment. How do you plan on stepping up your diligence game?
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