Profile 6: Eirene Atwell, Handicraft Designer

This week, it brings me pleasure to introduce Ms. Eirene Atwell of Bright & Beautiful. Hailing from the twin island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, her belief is that we should "...stick to the vision."

Get to know her and enjoy this feature.

1.  Describe yourself in no more than three sentences, one if it is possible.

I am a one of a kind person who enjoys being herself and enjoys her (sometimes strange) life. 

2.  Share with us what your business is about?
Bright and Beautiful is about adding unique but affordable touches of beauty to everyday life. All items are handcrafted and the aim is to give each client something that nobody else has. At present, products include hair accessories, brooches, customized gift cards, and handbags but in the near future other items will be coming on-stream.

3.  What is the main factor that got you involved or led you into business/entrepreneurship?I think it was an intertwining of several factors rather than a single one. For several months, I had been job hunting with no results. I had also known for many years that God has blessed me in terms of being able to work with my hands but I had never really charged for anything I made. Additionally, I wanted to be more involved in working with the children and young people in the community where I go to church but since I lived about 2 hours away, it wouldn’t be possible for me to have a regular job and be as involved as I would like. It all came to a head last October when God clearly showed me that He does not want me working for anyone for the time being. Being self-employed would give me the flexibility needed to work in the community while at the same time providing some source of income, not to mention I would not be disobeying God’s instructions. Out of all these factors, my business was born.

4.  What is your number 1 business principle?
Stick to the vision. Every now and again people come to me with ideas of what I should do or what direction my business should take.
While I value people’s suggestions, I have a vision of where I want this business to go and I cannot get there by doing everything that everyone suggests. Adjust when necessary but stick to the vision.
5.  How critical is creativity in the running of your business?Creativity is the cornerstone of my business. If each piece/set that I make is to be unique then I have to be creative, and particularly so when a client wants a duplicate of another item. I have to find a way to make something close enough to the original that the client will be pleased but at the same time introduce some difference that will make the piece similar but not identical. The more items I make, the greater the challenge in creating a piece that is different from all the previous ones but it is worth it to be able to give each customer something that is uniquely theirs.

Red, White and Black Collection.
6.  What is the hardest lesson learnt in business so far?
I saw a post on Facebook the other day that said, “People love your work until they have to pay for it.” I laughed because it was so true and it accurately sums up the hardest lesson I’ve learned so far. Many times people will like your work and commend it, they will gladly take it for free, but getting some of them to actually buy can be another story.

Hand crafted, one of a kind hair pieces
7.   Do you think that your experience is different in any way than a male in the same type of business? Please explain.
I haven’t yet met any males in the same type of business so it’s tough to say.

8.  List three things you just can’t go without?1.   God – He is my one constant in this world; 2.   Laughter – I love to laugh; 3.   Colour – Colour literally brightens up my life…*smile*. It affects everything from the mood I’m in to the pieces I create.

 9.  Who or What is your greatest motivation?
To use whatever time God has given me to make a positive impact on the world. Life is short and can be very unpredictable and this motivates me to live each day as fully as I can.

10.  Is there any advice you would like to share to other young women hoping to start or just starting out in business?Be patient: success will not come overnight. Be persistent: discouragement and disappointments will come but don’t give up. Pursue your dreams.

Bonus Question: “What, in your opinion, is the best thing about being female?”
I would say it is the ability to love and nurture others in that distinctively female way.

Facebook         - BrightBeautifulCrafts
Orders contact  - 1-868-333-9500
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