Profile 4: Temecia Jackson, Business Coach

        From her engaging smile to jazzy personality, this daughter of the islands is based in New York and offers, internationally, her business coaching skills particularly to creative professionals.

Meet Ms. Jackson, your next Business Coach, who is for real, for real.

Please enjoy the interview...

    1.  Describe yourself in no more than three sentences, one if it is possible.I’m a Caribbean born woman of faith with a passion for bringing out the highest and best in everyone around me. I believe God created us to do more than pay bills and then die. In keeping with that, I am whole-heartedly committed to helping as many people as possible start and grow their businesses so they can create the life that they were created for.
2.  Who or What is your greatest motivation?My passion for helping others coupled with a deep desire to make a difference and the world, my family and community. I believe that having their own business is the most fulfilling way for women to have all they want in life. We are daughters, wives, mothers, sisters, members of our communities and churches. I becomes nearly impossible to fill all those roles in a way that feels natural without the freedom that having a business of your own provides. Sometimes, I don’t want to go to work, I want to be with my family, or maybe there’s an event I want to be at. It’s painful to watch your life pass you by while working away at someone else’s dreams.
3.   Share with us what your business is about?I run a boutique style business coaching businesses that helps women start and grow business that work for who they are as women. I do I am really good at helping my clients create brands that are visually appealing and developing the necessary skills to find and connect with clients. I also run live, in-person meet-ups here in the NYC area where aspiring and current business owners can connect, learn and grow. I want to help everyone, so I’ll just have to take it one step at a time.
4.   What is the main factor that got you involved or led you into business/entrepreneurship?Basically, I did everything I was told to do to be a success. I went to school, got good grades, found a “good job”, and I realized that I was still empty. I wanted more for myself and my family. Also, it began to be evident that even though I had a lot of value to offer, doing it under someone else’s agenda was really stressful and eroding parts of me that I need as a woman.
5.   How critical is creativity in the running of your business?Very important. One of the things that can make or break you in business is the ability to bounce back quickly when things don’t go exactly as planned, which is almost always the case, if you have any experience at all in business. To do so requires, a large amount of creativity, commitment, resourcefulness and enthusiasm for what you do. If you don’t you won’t make it. Period. Business is not for the faint of heart. Lol. You have to go in with the mindset of, “I’m gonna try this thing, see if it works, try it a few times and tweak it. Then if not, I’ll try something else.” Giving yourself permission to make mistakes and fail is critical.
6.   Do you think that your experience is different in any way than a male in the same type of business? Please explain.Yes. Definitely. Women face additional challenges as business leaders. One of those is that, by definition, the goal oriented, objective aspects of business don’t come as naturally for women as it does for men. Because of the way we are wired, we have to be extra creative in the way we structure our businesses and build in things like accountability and hired hands in order to create a successful business. That said, women have some very unique and valuable gifts to bring to the table, such as the ability to wrap ourselves around a brand or idea and nurture it to success. So in the end, it all balances out. 
7.   What is your number 1 business principle? Actually, I have two. a)Start TODAY. It’s always the right time to take the first step. When you think about it, we live only in the now. Most people want to be alive in 5-10 years. If that is the case and they want a different life, it makes sense to make decisions and actions that will move them towards the future that they want while making a difference today. Don’t wait for the perfect time. You are alive now. b)   Never forget why you are in business. You always want to go in with a mindset of service. People could tell when you are genuinely trying to help them vs. just in it for the money. Are you truly committed to the well-being of your clients?
8.   List three things you just can’t go without?
a.   Internet and my phone, b.   My business coach and c.   Music, it keeps me happy.
9.   What is the hardest lesson learnt in business so far?
You can’t do it all at one time. Burn out and a lack of focus is a beast. Don’t do that to yourself. Pace yourself.
10.Is there any advice you would like to share to other young women hoping to start or just starting out in business?Follow your heart and intuition in choosing the direction of your life rather than the pre-made mold that society has made for you. Also, don’t go it alone, hire a coach, get an accountability partner. You really, really do need support especially for those times when business gets tough.

Bonus Question: “What, in your opinion, is the best thing about being female?”I really enjoy being a woman. Realize it or not, we are tremendously influential in our society, regardless of how visible our roles are. We make the world beautiful, colourful, and interesting with or artistic ability, our ability to care deeply and nurture the people in our world. If it wasn’t for us… well let’s just say this would be a totally different planet. Lol!

Contact Info:
Facebook: temecialjackson

Dear friends, please feel free to contact Temecia Jackson or just drop a word of encouragement in the comments section. Like the Facebook page.  Follow the blog. Recommend another women to be featured. Be blessed this week!


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