Profile 5: Ronelle King, Accessory Designer.

Our feature this week is a self proclaimed classy 2015 renaissance woman, Ms. Ronelle King is a firm believer that 'you' are the best marketing tool for your business.

Take a read and enjoy her thoughts...

1.  Describe yourself in no more than three sentences, one if it is possible.
I am a driven, expressive, creative young lady.

2.  Share with us what your business is about?
Renaissance Creations is the product of years of harnessed creativity which can be traced back to my elementary years. It is also the result of my environmental consciousness which was developed throughout my high school and college years. Combined, this creativity and my appreciation for the environment pushed me to create unique, fashion forward accessories which also includes various collections of eco-friendly jewelry.

3.  What is the main factor that got you involved or led you into business/entrepreneurship?
The interest women had in my personal accessory pieces led me to develop a brand of accessories that were unique, accessible and affordable.  

Not afraid to be seen in her own products.
4.  What is your number 1 business principle? You must be your biggest supporter.  You must be seen in your product, promote and have more appreciation for what you are providing than any other individual. Your customers feed off this energy therefore you must never be afraid to push your product.

5.  How critical is creativity in the running of your business? 
Tribal Print Clutches
Creativity is the foundation of my business. I say this because my customers look to me for unique, statement pieces, and as such I must be able to deliver. It is therefore essential that I not restrict myself in the creative process and allow myself to explore new and innovative techniques in accessory making.

6.  What is the hardest lesson learnt in business so far? 
The hardest lesson I’ve learnt in business thus far is learning when to take a break or to take time for myself. For me, going around the clock is easy. I can go at it for extensive periods of time without burn out; particularly when I experience a surge of creative energy. However, there are times when my mind is ready to go but physically I’m incapable of pushing on. So over the years I had to learn to take breaks and to take better care of me.

7.   Do you think that your experience is different in any way than a male in the same type of business? Please explain.
I have never really thought about this but I think as a female it is easier for me to tap into female sensibilities and relate to my customers as they are mostly women. Additionally, I’m also more aware of what is trending and as such better able to cater to the current needs of my customers.

8.  List three things you just can’t go without?
Six  bangle sets
I can’t go without red lipstick, a handbag (big or small) and a statement piece of jewelry.

9.  Who or What is your greatest motivation?
I am motivated and driven by the bliss I feel when someone loves and appreciates my work as much as or even more than I do. That is what pushes me to create and to remain a creative individual.

10.  Is there any advice you would like to share to other young women hoping to start or just starting out in business?
Start with making lists. They keep you grounded and on the path towards achieving your goals. Also it is important to not compare yourself to others. Be driven yet aware of your own capabilities. Finally, but not least TRUST GOD; running a business takes an extra ordinary amount of faith.

Bonus Question: “What, in your opinion, is the best thing about being female?”
The best thing about being female is how widely accepted it is for me to be a feeling, emotional and expressive being which is sad to say, something that most men feel the pressure to subdue. 

Contact Info:
Facebook - Renaissance Creations
Web/Blog -
Instagram - @renaissancecreations
Email -

Check her out, like her pages and leave a comment in the the comment section. Be supportive.


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